Various Artists - Ah Lwan Yae Nya II

Vocalists: R Zarni, J.Me, Jo Jar, Cindy, Yan Yan Chan, Thar Soe, NO, Sai Sai Khem Hlaing, J.Me, Nge Nge, Bambino, Blueberry, Kyaw Thu Soe, Rebecca Win
Album Name: Ah Lwan Yae Nya II
Lyrics: R Khaing, J.Me, Ah Nge, Thar Soe, Shwe Jaw Jaw, Phoe Zaw, Nge Nge, Stone, Ko Kaung, Kyaw Thu Soe
  1. Eain Mat Ma Pyit Pho Taung Pan Tal© - Lin Lin(N.S), Nge Nge


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